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Courses lay one level of abstraction above sections in the academic hierarchy at UTD. A Course represents a class offered by a school at UTD.

A Course should not be confused with a Section which is the actual instantiation of a Course with a professor and dedicated meeting times.A course can have multiple sections associated with it every semester. An example of a course would be ECS1100.

You are able to query for a Course by:

  • Query Parameters
  • ID

Each of these methods has its own API endpoint to get the requested data.

GET /course

The default endpoint for /course returns a list of sections matching the set of query parameters provided.

Below is a list of all of the parameters that can be used to refine your query:


course_numberThe course's official number./course?course_number=2417
subject_prefixThe course's subject prefix./course?subject_prefix=MATH
titleThe course's title./course?title=Calculus I
descriptionThe course's description./course?description=Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation; integration of...
schoolThe course's school./course?school=School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
credit_hoursThe number of credit hours awarded by successful completion of the course./course?credit_hours=4
class_levelThe level of education that this course course corresponds to/course?class_level=4
activity_typeThe type of class this course corresponds to./course?activity_type=Lecture
gradingThe grading status of this course./course?grading=Graded
internal_course_numberThe internal (university) number used to reference this course./course?internal_course_number=008613
lecture_contact_hoursThe weekly contact hours in lecture for a course. This information is outlined in the UTD Course Policies page./course?lecture_contact_hours=2
offering_frequencyThe frequency of offering a course/course?offering_frequency=S

Example Response

200 Response

"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"_id": "6241a542e0a87a87f38b1aa3",
"subject_prefix": "MATH",
"course_number": "2413",
"title": "Differential Calculus",
"credit_hours": "4",
"class_level": "Undergraduate",
"activity_type": "Lecture",
"description": "MATH 2413 - Differential Calculus (4 semester credit hours) Course covers topics in differential calculus of functions of one variable; topics include limits, continuity, derivative, chain rule, implicit differentiation, mean value theorem, maxima and minima, curve sketching, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, antiderivative, substitution method, and applications. Three lecture hours and two discussion hours a week; a problem section required with MATH 2413, and will also be registered for exam section. Not all MATH/STAT courses may be counted toward various degree plans. Please consult your degree plan to determine the appropriate MATH/STAT course requirements. Prerequisite: ALEKS score required or a grade of at least a C- in MATH 2306 or MATH 2312. (3-2) S",
"grading": "Graded - Undergraduate",
"internal_course_number": "008610",
"laboratory_contact_hours": "2",
"lecture_contact_hours": "3",
"offering_frequency": "S",
"prerequisites": {
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "other",
"description": "A score of 80% on ALEKS math placement exam",
"condition": null
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "course",
"class_reference": "6240b438ddc4b627a73c07d3",
"minimum_grade": "C-"
"type": "course",
"class_reference": "6241a53ee0a87a87f38b1a95",
"minimum_grade": "C-"
"corequisites": {
"type": "collection",
"required": 0,
"options": []
"co_or_pre_requisites": {
"type": "collection",
"options": [],
"required": 0
"school": "School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics",
"sections": [
// ...
// ...

GET /course/{id}

This endpoint returns a single Course with a primary key matching {id}.


This endpoint accepts a single route parameter: id. This is passed into the endpoint path.

idID of the course to get/course/61ebbb126e3659537e8adsdss

Example Response

200 Response

"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"_id": "6241a542e0a87a87f38b1aa3",
"subject_prefix": "MATH",
"course_number": "2413",
"title": "Differential Calculus",
"credit_hours": "4",
"class_level": "Undergraduate",
"activity_type": "Lecture",
"description": "MATH 2413 - Differential Calculus (4 semester credit hours) Course covers topics in differential calculus of functions of one variable; topics include limits, continuity, derivative, chain rule, implicit differentiation, mean value theorem, maxima and minima, curve sketching, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, antiderivative, substitution method, and applications. Three lecture hours and two discussion hours a week; a problem section required with MATH 2413, and will also be registered for exam section. Not all MATH/STAT courses may be counted toward various degree plans. Please consult your degree plan to determine the appropriate MATH/STAT course requirements. Prerequisite: ALEKS score required or a grade of at least a C- in MATH 2306 or MATH 2312. (3-2) S",
"grading": "Graded - Undergraduate",
"internal_course_number": "008610",
"laboratory_contact_hours": "2",
"lecture_contact_hours": "3",
"offering_frequency": "S",
"prerequisites": {
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "other",
"description": "A score of 80% on ALEKS math placement exam",
"condition": null
"type": "collection",
"required": 1,
"options": [
"type": "course",
"class_reference": "6240b438ddc4b627a73c07d3",
"minimum_grade": "C-"
"type": "course",
"class_reference": "6241a53ee0a87a87f38b1a95",
"minimum_grade": "C-"
"corequisites": {
"type": "collection",
"required": 0,
"options": []
"co_or_pre_requisites": {
"type": "collection",
"options": [],
"required": 0
"school": "School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics",
"sections": [
// ...